Pyros Prime
Molten Crucible - Eternal Forge
Although Pyros Prime shares a similar composition with Ignaros, the reasons are vastly different.
Ignaros is a desolate expanse of molten rock and flowing lava primarily due to its proximity to Ignix Nova; Pyros Prime, on the other hand, was once a lush, fertile planet with farmlands and a civilization of farmers.
What renders Pyros Prime inhospitable are the continuous stellar eruptions from Ignix Nova, after its normal activity was disrupted during the Great War. These stellar anomalies manifest as photonic cannons regularly directed towards the surface of Pyros Prime, making the planet a perfect target to absorb all launched shots.
As a result, the surface is riddled with enormous craters that can reach down to the planet's core.
Despite the challenges, some brave inhabitants of Pyros Prime have managed to survive and adapt to the new reality of their planet. They've built underground settlements and developed technologies to shield themselves from stellar eruptions. Moreover, they've learned to cultivate plants resistant to radiation and lava, thus sustaining their agricultural activities. Despite adversities, the Pyros Prime community has shown remarkable adaptability and strong determination in preserving their culture and their planet.
Being forced to live underground for so long has brought about genetic modifications to all Emberkins, the native residents of the planet Pyros Prime, once known as Emberland for the light shows Ignix Nova projected on its compact atmosphere, resembling sparks in the sky. These same sparks have now transformed into their worst nightmare.
From the XdRiPian Chronicles
No locations on Pyros Prime have been discovered yet

Occulta Gemma stands as a testament to the enduring mysteries and ancient powers that permeate the universe of XdRiPia. Its discovery marks a pivotal moment in the Guardians' quest, offering a glimmer of hope in a time of great uncertainty.