XdRiPian Codex

Welcome to the XdRiPian Codex, your definitive guide to the universe of Tales of XdRiPia. Within these digital pages lies an extensive cosmic gallery, detailing the vibrant tapestry of characters, the diversity of ethnicities, the wondrous bestiary, the relics and artifacts of power, the vast planetarium of celestial bodies, and the pivotal moments etched into the timeline of our realm.

Dive into the Characters section

where valiant heroes and cunning villains come to life, each woven with intricate tales that shape our cosmic odyssey.

Behold the Ethnicities Compendium

a detailed exposition of the myriad cultures that enrich XdRiPia's societal fabric.

Venture into the Bestiary

a meticulous record of the fauna that roam our world's varied ecosystems, from the smallest critter to the mightiest leviathan.

Discover the Relics & Artifacts

each a piece of history and a testament to the technological or magical prowess of bygone eras.

Survey the Planetarium

an expansive overview of the celestial wonders that make up our galaxy, each planet and star home to its own secrets and stories.


an intricate mosaic of specific locations across the XdRiPian Realm. From hidden valleys on distant moons to bustling metropolises of advanced civilizations, the Celestial Atlas is your detailed guide to the unique environments and cultures populating each corner of our universe.

And traverse the Timeline

chronicling the epochs that have defined XdRiPia, from the ancient past to the unfolding present.

From the Guardians who defend the digital evolution, to figures like Krypto Beard OG Brad and the AI overseer Dripia, every entity plays a critical role in the balance of our universe. Titans and Celestial Architects wage battles that echo through the cosmos, while factions like Morvath Industries and the Caller Syndicate pursue their own shadowy agendas.

As you explore the Codex, be prepared to journey through a narrative rife with alliances and betrayals, with every entry a thread in the larger cosmic weave. This is your entrance to a realm where fantasy meets digital frontier, where every discovery contributes to the legend of XdRiPia.

Step into the XdRiPian Codex and immerse yourself in the celestial narrative. Here, the story of XdRiPia is chronicled for eternity, inviting you, dear traveler, to be part of the adventure that is forever written in the stars.

From the X-Journal

From the XdRiPian Chronicles