Your Gateway To
Tales Of XdRiPia
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- Adam 2
- Aetherus 1
- Arcadian Pixels Temple 1
- Arkades 2
- Astra Lux 1
- Astral Map 1
- BassCrypt 1
- Celestial Amulets 1
- Celestial Architects 1
- Celestial Blade 1
- Celestro 5
- City Council 1
- Cosmic Observatory 1
- Crafting process 1
- Doge 1
- Elysian Complex 1
- Era of Celestial Discord 1
- Era of Chaos 1
- Era of Harmony 1
- Frost Stalkers 1
- Frostwhiskers 1
- Gaia's Embrace 1
- Glimmerhoof 1
- HOG 2
- Ignix Nova 1
- Krypto Beard OG Brad 1
- Luminal Nexus Streams 2
- Luminari 1
- Maximus Prime 1
- Mechanoids 2
- Meme 2
- Memoria 2
- Music Academy 5
- Necrolara 1
- Nexonics 1
- Nexsonics 1
- Nexus Prime Solar System 2
- Nomadis 1
- Occulta Gemma 2
- Phasmara 1
- Pixelion 1
- Quasaris 1
- Scorion-7 3
- Steampunk 1
- The Convergence 1
- Thundersnow Guardian 1
- Virion 1
- Weapon 1
- X-Chris 1

- Arcadian Pixels 1
- Arkades 2
- Astral Map 1
- Celestial Amulets 1
- Celestial Architects 1
- Celestro 1
- Characthers 1
- Era of Chaos 1
- Luminal Nexus Streams 1
- Lyrielle 1
- Mechanoids 1
- Memoria 1
- Music 1
- Music Academy 1
- Pixelion 1
- Planetarium 1
- Scorion-7 2
- Sereveldrans 1
- Steven 1
- Titans 1
- Virion 1
- X-Adam 2
- X-Laura 1
- X-Matt 1
- XdRIPia Waves 1
- XdRiP Guardians 2
- XdRiPia 1
- XdRiPian Library 1
- idieasu 1
The journey through these eras is not just a chronicle of conflicts but a story of resilience, hope, and the unyielding quest for balance in a cosmos where chaos and harmony are two sides of the same celestial coin.