
Traversing the expansive dunes of Arkades, the Sandgrazer stands as a remarkable testament to the adaptability of life on this harsh desert planet. With its thick, segmented armor and oversized, glassy eyes adapted for the blinding sunlight, the Behemoth is a creature of both awe and enigma.

The creature's sand-colored scales are a natural camouflage against the desert backdrop, while the unique ridges along its back help to dissipate the scorching heat of the midday sun. Its broad, padded feet are perfectly evolved for navigating the unstable sands, allowing it to move with surprising grace despite its formidable size.

The Sandgrazer’s diet consists of the hardy scrub and cacti-like flora that dot the otherwise barren landscape, which it grinds up with its strong, flat teeth. It can often be seen basking near Arkades' thermal vents, where it absorbs both warmth and the nutrients released from the planet's geothermal activities.

Largely solitary, these creatures come together only in the Arkadian mating season, when the desert echoes with the deep, resonant calls of the Behemoths seeking companionship. Their gentle nature belies their immense power, and they play a vital role in the ecosystem of Arkades, helping to cultivate and spread the resilient plant life that sustains them.

The Sandgrazer is a creature of resilience and “beauty (…)”, embodying the spirit of Arkades itself—untamed, enduring, and shrouded in the mystique of the sands it calls home.


Thundersnow Guardian

